Proxmox Monitoring Made Easy: A Comprehensive How-To Guide

This post is specifically about monitoring Proxmox VE, I’m going to assume that you already have Prometheus and Grafana installed. If not then check out my post on how to do this here: Server Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana setup in Docker and Portainer


  • Create Monitoring Account on Proxmox
  • Install PVE Exporter
  • Configure PVE Exporter
  • Configure Prometheus
  • Install Grafana Dashboard

Create Monitoring Account on Proxmox

  • Navigate to Datacenter | Permissions | Users
    • Click Add and provide a name e.g. prometheus then click Add
    • NOTE: There is no option for a password as the assumption is you would create a corresponding account in Linux. As we won’t be using this to login to Linux
  • Navigate to Permissions and from the Add drop-down menu select User Permission
    • For Path select /
    • For User select the account just created
    • For Role select PVEAuditor
    • Click Add
  • Navigate to API Tokens and click Add
    • For User select the account just created
    • For Token ID enter something useful e.g. exporter
    • De-select Privilege Separation otherwise we’ll have to manage permissions for both the user and the token

Note down the Token ID and Secret

Install PVE Exporter

Next we’ll install an exporter as a container in Portainer which is where we have Prometheus and Grafana running

  1. Create directory on host linux machine

2. Create a new yaml file

sudo nano root/Docker/pve/pve.yml

3. Add this code to the file

This defines the user account and token details to use to connect to the PVE nodes so remember to replace prometheus with whatever username you created. You’ll also need to replace the token name and value with what’s appropriate for you

    user: monitoring@pam
    token_name: "monitoring"
    token_value: "3cbbd5f5-e3ea-4b6b-8ee9-af7bc2d4880f"
    verify_ssl: false

We will create a boiler plate to use to create a new stack, you can find this in my github page:

version: '3'

    image: prompve/prometheus-pve-exporter:latest
    container_name: pve-exporter
      - "9221:9221"
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /root/Docker/pve/pve.yml:/etc/prometheus/pve.yml
    labels: "monitoring"

Run the stack and it should run without any issues

Configure Prometheus

Configure Prometheus to scrape metrics from the PVE exporter. To do this edit the yaml file on the host machine for the prometheus server, if you followed my guide it will be located here: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml

nano /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
  # Job for Proxmox Exporter
  - job_name: 'pve'
      - targets:
        -  # Proxmox VE node 1
    metrics_path: /pve
      module: [default]
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]
        target_label: instance
      - target_label: __address__
        replacement: # PVE address

We’re using an exporter to remotely gather metrics from our PVE nodes and the above configuration defines those as targets. As an exporter isn’t on the nodes we have to do some re-labelling

The IP address I’m using for the exporter is the one running Docker. This is to keep things simple as we’re using different containers for Prometheus and the exporter.

As we’ve changed the configuration file we need to reload the container for Prometheus from within Portainer

We now have to wait some time to gather metrics, particularly because Prometheus doesn’t run a scrape immediately, it waits for the scrape time to count down

Once it’s ready, we can check the exporter for metrics from a node, for instance

We can also check Prometheus itself

Install a Grafana Dashboard

The developer of pve exporter suggests the following:

  1. Copy the ID of the Dashboard
  2. Login to Grafana, In the top left corner click the menu button and select Dashboards and import using the ID copied